Hypothesis testing is done by Paired Sample T Test and Independent Sample T Test. The data analysis technique of science process skills is done by calculating the average grade of the class then adjusted to the index classification table of science processes. The data analysis technique of critical thinking ability is done by normality test, homogeneity test and N-gain. Data collection techniques were carried out by test techniques, questionnaires and LKPD contents.

The study was conducted in Natar 1 Public High School, in the even semester 2018/2019 academic year with research design nonequivalent control group design.The research instrument used was a questionnaire (questionnaire), Student Worksheet (LKPD) along with observation sheets and test questions.

The purpose of this research are to knowing the differences of critical thinking skills using interactive module photoelectric effects with printed module, describe the improvement of students' critical thinking skills after the interactive module is applied, describe science process skills in students who use interactive module of photoelectric effects, and knowing student responses to the use interactive module of photoelectric effects.