Word of God says that Senpai's so popular because he sits in the "protagonist chair" in the class – back row next to the window.Why do so many people like Senpai anyways? He's not that great looking.From a game design standpoint, this setup is specifically to prevent players from immediately killing off all the rivals in one go. The in-game reason, once development has gotten that far, is that all of your rivals will appear one by one, not being present in the school until their designated week, and then confessing their love the Friday after they arrive.It's been hinted to be a If I Can't Have You… scenario, but nothing is officially known as of yet. Then again, there is the "SNAP" option, which, at this time of writing, we still don't know what exactly it does. If someone already has asked him out, she may not even think of that. Also remember that Yandere-chan is a Shrinking Violet, especially around Senpai. From a gameplay standpoint? It makes things more challenging if there's a time limit.

Why is that, you may ask? It's because while he is lonely, he doesn't want anyone else to die. Then, there's a 50% chance he'll say yes. Once that rumor gets going you can then go to Senpai and ask him out. Then, after that you can spread a rumor that Senpai kills his girlfriends, or something like that.